We are starting the New Year with a reflection led by Ray. The theme is ‘The Long View’. May God help us to look with confidence to the time ahead, for ourselves, our world and those we love.
Hymns included are:-
– Heavenly Father, thou has brought us.
– Brightest and Best. – Let my spirit always sing.
– Our life has it’s seasons.
– Lord, for the years.
Bible reading
– Jeremiah Ch 6 v 16
– Philippians Ch 3 v10 -16

In the busyness of preparing for Christmas, take some time to reflect and be still with our Mid Week Musical Reflection.
We pray you are staying warm, safe and healthy.
For those of you who are ill, we pray for a speedy recovery.
Make yourself a warm drink and sit and watch via this link.
Hymns and Carols included:-
– The Poor and the Humble
– Tell out my soul
– He became poor that we may be rich
– Praise to the God who clears the way
– Once in Royal David’s city

Ray leads our reflection called
The hymns included are:-
* Be still for the presence of the Lord
* As the deer pants for the water
* Jesus, where’er thy people meet
* All earth was dark until you spoke (Lights to the world)
Bible readings:-
* Exodus 3: 1-6
* 1 Kings 8: 22-24, 27-30
* Luke 9: 28-35
* Hebrews 10: 19-25

Ann leads our HARVEST reflection
The hymns included are:-
– Come you thankful people come
– God whose farm is all creation
– Touch the earth lightly
– Praise God for the harvest of orchard and field
– To you O Lord our hearts we raise
Bible references are:-
– Matthew 13 v 24 – 30
– Psalm 8 – Psalm 33 v 1 – 9

Ray leads this service of ‘Thanks’
The hymns included are:-
– Give Praise and thanks unto the Lord
– Give thanks with a grateful heart
– Give to me Lord a thankful heart
– Give thanks for life
– A grateful heart
Bible references are:-
– Psalm 106
– Psalm 73 1 – 6, 11-17, 20-28
– Corinthians 4 – 7
– 1 Thessalonians 5: 15-24
– Luke 17: 11-19

Video recording for June
Our reflection this month is
led again for us by Rev Ray Adams.
We are out in the garden and we had some very enthusiastic birds singing around us!
The hymns are:-
-All creatures of our God and King
– For the beauty of the earth
– The crown of roses
– When Easter to this dark world came
– Think of a world without any flowers
– Our life has it’s seasons

Video recording for May
Our reflection this month is led for us by Rev Gary Gotham.
The hymns are:-
– When morning gilds the sky
– When I Needed A Neighbour
– Come all you vagabonds
– Now the green blade riseth
– Make me a channel of your peace

Video recording for April
Ray leads this months Reflection entitled ‘Easter Witnesses’.
The hymns included are:-
– Now the green blade rises
– Jesus put this song into our heart
– Jesus is risen from the grave
– Christ is alive
– Christ is the one calls

Video recording for March
This month we are joined by Ann King
who leads us through our Lent Reflection.
Hymns included are:-
– May the mind of Christ our Saviour
– How great thou art
– Take this Moment, sign and space
– Lead us Heavenly Father, lead us
– O love that will not let me go

Video recording for February
The Reflection this month is based on
‘Who is my neighbour?’
It is a question once put to Jesus
and he replied by telling a story.
The hymns included are:-
– Jesu, Jesu
– For the fruits of all creation
– Brother, Sister let me serve you
– When I needed a neighbour
– God is love his the care

Video recording for January
We start the year with a Reflection called LIFE CHOICES
It is based on the bible book of Deuteronomy.
The hymns included are:-
– Lord you call us to your service
– For the healing of the nations
– Brother, sister, let me serve you
– The Commonwealth of love
– Give thanks with a grateful heart

Video recording for December
The title of this month’s reflection comes from Isaiah. It is a vision of peace.
With even animals learning to lie down together in peaceful co-existence through the leadership of a little child.
The hymns included are…
– Come thou long expected Jesus
– A child is born for us today
– All the earth was dark until you spoke
– Into the darkness of this world
– See amid the winter snow

Video recording for November
November is very much a month of Remembrance; a ‘Time to Remember’ both as an individual and for the wider world. It is a time to remember loved ones who have died in both recent and more distant past.
Ann King led us through the service on Remembrance Sunday and continues here with her reflection.

Video recording for October
Ray returns this month to continue his reflection on the Holy Spirit.
The focus this time is on the ‘Spirit of Truth’.
The hymns included are…
– Holy Spirit come confirm us
– Speak O Lord as we come to you
– I heard the voice of Jesus say
and a special version of
– Who would true valour see

Video recording for September
John Saunders joins us this month for our reflection
The theme is ‘Lord of the Harvest’
John looks at the things that impact on harvests around the world. Harvests remind us of the never ending love God has for His creation
The hymns included are:-
– Give thanks
– For the beauty of the earth
– Praise God for the harvest
– For the fruits of all creation
– Now thank we all our God

Video recording for August
The reflection this month is called
‘Times and Seasons’
It feels like we have gone through most of the seasons in the last few weeks!
The hymns included are :-
-Summer suns are glowing
-Fierce raged the tempest
-When music gilds the sky
-Lord of all hopefulness
-Our life had its seasons

Video recording for July
This month the reflection is all about the Fruit of the Spirit.
The Fruit of the Spirit are
Love, Joy, Peace,
Patience, Kindness, Goodness,
Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control.
The hymns included are
– Love to the world
– Spirit of God unseen as the wind
– Christ is our peace
– Like the murmur of the dove’s song
– The love of God comes close

Video recording for June
PENTECOST – Hope and Trust
Gary Gotham joins us this month – the theme is
Pentecost – Hope and Trust
Here is a collection of five hymns themed around Pentecost.
Let’s acknowledge the Spirit of God present and active.
Untamed and wild.
Energetic and free.
God is beyond words, beyond majesty, but is experienced in wisdom, power and love – continually inviting us to live in community with one another and Godself.

Video recording for May
Celebrating the King
In our musical reflection this month we are celebrating the coronation and kingship.
The main challenge to the power of earthly sovereignty is the image of the servant king. The anointing of our new king makes a connection between royal power and the kingship of Christ. It is the acknowledgment that monarchs of this world are under the judgment of God for their actions, and that the heart of true leadership is service of others. That was stated right at the beginning of the King’s recent coronation when he said “ I come not to be served but to serve “

Video recording for April
Our reflection for April celebrates this Easter season
and rejoices in the risen Lord. Alleluia!
A very happy Easter to you.
Many blessings to you and all that you do this week.

Video recording for March
Thinking through Lent.
Our reflection this month is called ‘Thinking through Lent’.
Rev Ray Adams asks “…if we shall use this season of Lent to put ourselves in a place where our sense of God deepens and God’s purpose for us comes into clearer focus?”

Video recording of January
Our Covenant
A new year gives us the opportunity for new beginnings,
a fresh look at our lives and the expectation of new insight
into our journey with God.

Video recording of October
Mid Week Musical Reflection – URC 50th CELEBRATIONS
This month the reflection follows the United Reform Church as they celebrate 50 years. It include winners from their recent hymn competition. You will recognize the tune of the first hymn with new words! The URC has always had ecumenism at its heart and has united with churches of other traditions at a local level, with many joint URC / Methodist churches. You will find out more in the reflection….