God the Father has shown us Himself in his Son, Jesus Christ – Who we know as our Saviour and our Friend.
Do come to St. Andrew’s and learn more of Him with us!
St Andrew’s exists …
– to Serve God, through our Lord Jesus Christ
– to learn and grow together
– to share our Joy in Christian Living with the wider world
The people of St. Andrew’s believe in a God who created all things and in Jesus Christ, God’s son, our Lord.
We believe that Jesus lived a life that can change ours and that he was so radical that he was crucified and died. Yet, Jesus rose again and lives in unity with God.
We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to make all things new and in a universal church.
We believe in the power that comes from receiving forgiveness from sin – the ways in which we break relationship with God and other people.
We believe in eternal life.
We, the members of St. Andrew’s Church, as followers of Jesus Christ, individually and corporately, want to support the local community and each other:
To Serve our Lord Jesus Christ
1. By worshipping God with all our hearts
2. By putting Jesus first in our lives
3. By listening regularly for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and praying regularly
To Learn and Grow Together
4. By exploring together our beliefs
5. By making time to read the Bible thoughtfully
6. By working and worshipping with other Christians whenever possible
To Share our Joy in Christian Living with the Wider World
7. By offering friendship, acceptance, and a listening ear to others.
8. By caring and praying for those in need.
9. By taking a stand against injustice and abuse.
10. By playing our part in the life of the community and the wider world
11. By being open to new possibilities of meeting needs currently unknown
12. By reviewing our response to this declaration annually.