Charities Supported by St Andrew’s Church

St Andrew’s is currently raising money for the three charities below.

Click on links to websites to find out more about them.


Whether you’re new to caring or have been doing it for a while, they are here to help. There are around 48,000 carers in Wiltshire. If you are one of them and live in the area, or the person you care for does, why not join their growing community of carers?
If you can spend a couple of minutes answering a few questions about your caring role, they’ll be able to give you a customised guide to the information and services which are most relevant to your particular situation.


The Vision
They exist to empower the vulnerable families and children of Kibera by creating
opportunities for them to reach their full God-given potential.

The Mission
They provide access to a quality education through the Kianda Children’s Centre, Fountains of Hope School, and Primary and Secondary School support.
They offer children learning resources and opportunities through their community library.
They develop friendships with all the families they work with and demonstrate God’s love through practical support.

Emergency food for local people in crisis
Foodbank clients bring their voucher to be redeemed for three days emergency food.  Volunteers meet clients over a cup of tea and can signpost people to agencies able to solve the longer-term problem.

The Devizes Foodbank is a Christian charity and part of the Trussell Trust Foodbank Network.  It works with supporters and beneficiaries regardless of their faith or lack of faith.  As a result of the growth in its activities throughout the Kennet area and the retirement of some long-standing volunteers it is now seeking people for the following roles:
·           Trustees to join the Board of Trustees to provide strategic direction and use their skills and knowledge to ensure that it meets its responsibilities as it seeks to expand its operations.  They will have a desire to help people in crisis through dealing with food poverty. People with communication/IT skills and experience in fund-raising activities will be particularly welcome.
·            Volunteer Administrators. Ideally they will have a knowledge of using spreadsheets and simple databases.  Training will be provided.